Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day one.

  When you're pregnant people tell you not to stress. That it will hurt you and the baby. What the don't tell you, is that trying not to stress is a lot more stressful than you realize. Friday evening I found out I was pregnant. I took two pregnancy tests, called my mom and I was off to the hospital.. My mom took it way better than I expected she would. I think it may have been the fact she was worried that I might have an ectopic pregnancy since Ive been experiencing so much pain, but who knows...Everything went fine at the hospital, they didn't figure out where the pain was coming from. But honestly does the hospital ever give real answers? 

Fast forward two days.... Its Sunday morning Ive just woken up and I tell my boyfriend that its time to tell his parents.... This may have been a huge mistake. In the back of my mind I thought that maybe they would accept it and try and help us considering they had their first baby at 15. But, I thought completely wrong. His mom, was upset, but his dad.. Man the way his dad acted like I was supposed to listen to HIM.. No not even me, my boyfriend was supposed to LISTEN to HIM. Like its either of their decision. Like its their stomach, their uterus. NO. The fact that he kept saying "you know what has to be done," What exactly HAS to be done. What choices can you make for me again? You can't force anyone to have an abortion. And then making the ever so nice ultimatum that if I don't get an abortion I have to move out. Peace out. I don't need the stress, and Im not going to let anyone have any control over my life or body. Thanks but no thanks. 

  Maybe what really pissed me off more than anything is the talking behind my back. My biggest pet peeve is when people "act" nice but then complain about the nice things they do for you. Like "Oh don't worry Ill buy your girlfriend something to eat".  But then later saying "Im always buying you things." Oh Im sorry when you push your money on me what am I supposed to do about it? Don't do anything for me if all you plan on doing later is pushing it back in my face. And DONT talk about me behind my back to CHILDREN. You CLAIM to be an adult, so talk to the adult like adults.